Friday, July 16, 2010

Proof is in the Pudding

The contract and NOA arrived Friday afternoon. It's pretty straightforward, but one point did strike me. Under Article 16 for Special Leave, an employee gets seven days off if a parent or spouse dies but only five days off if the employee's child dies. While it may seem fair that the death of a loved one should get the same amount of respect in the amount of days accrued, the clause probably has more to do with the Confucian belief that elders get a higher level of honor.

Seven days of special leave are allotted for an employee's marriage.

Other than that, it's time to cross the t's and dot the i's on the contract and quickly submit forms to obtain an E-2 visa. With regard to renewing an E-2 visa in 2011 if somehow I would be inclined to extend the contract, there is a more complicated process of getting an FBI background check, which would take 3 months to clear.

Nothing to worry about at this point, but it's worth noting that all eyes and ears should be searching for new protocols that may impede work abroad. For better or for worse, I know what I signed up for in Korea.

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