Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Thousand Thanks and Red Envelopes

Just a couple hours before my plane leaves for Incheon, but I wanted to thank all of the adidas Urban Runners who celebrated my last night in the United States with me. I will be back relatively soon so don't take it too hard! But wow, those Hello Kitty red envelopes are totally deceiving; I was expecting chocolate covered coins at best, but really did not expect so much for each and everyone of you! Even though I won't be able to lead the runs, Warren and Raymond will keep the group organized, safe, and fun. On a serious note, and I can't emphasize this enough--without your continued support, runners and walkers, adidas Urban Run wouldn't be in existence! Komapsumnida!

Upon arrival, I will be shuttled to Jeonju University for a 10 day orientation and teaching seminar. I'm still concerned about what their physical exam entails, but I've prepared intensively in case they require documents regarding my condition.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

As Fate Would Have It, Good Days Tend to Go South Early

It's been a while since my last update. I got my visa without much fanfare, nonetheless, I still got it. The visa is single-entry whereupon I will have to get to Korea and apply for an Alien Residency Card (ARC) with school. The transition of getting ready for Daegu should've been smooth. However, last week I had my life literally turned upside-down, forcing a test that would stretch my sanity. I was in the hospital for a week, but more than anything else, the question remained; "Would I still make it to Korea?" Doctors wondered how I could enter one painful procedure after another without much argument, but if they only knew how much going to Korea meant to me--I would probably suffer one more day just to know that I can be assured a flight out of San Francisco and into the Land of the Morning Calm.

In the end, and without pouring details here, the short answer by the end of the week is "YES!" However, I'm still not convinced with my own optimism as shitty things always seem to always linger near or with me. So once I arrive in Korea and pass my physical examination at Jeonju University, I can breathe a short sigh of relief...until the next f-ing hurdle is thrown at me. Life has already given me its share of surprises, both good and bad. I wonder what's next. Well, for starters, I sadly had to downgrade from the JoongAng Seoul Marathon in November to the 10K--but even then, the 10K is probably a marathon for me right now so I'll be ecstatic if I can complete it comfortably! But I probably shouldn't ponder too much or else life will just be a waiting game of fears.